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Warwickshire is a relatively safe place to live and most crime types are continuing to reduce. However, we also live in a global community which means we are affected by trends and events that occur at the international level. At present, we need to consider the international threat of terrorism and those people who are pulled into groups that support extremist causes.

In Warwickshire, authorities and communities are working together to deliver the Government’s Prevent Strategy. Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the Government’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism – CONTEST.

How to Guide – Making a Referral

The Prevent Strategy

The Prevent Strategy has three key objectives:

  1. Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it;
  2. Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  3. Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.

It is set up to challenge all forms of terrorism, including the influence of far right and far left extremists. It defines extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”.

Prevent operates in a pre-criminal space, providing support and re-direction to vulnerable individuals at risk of being groomed into terrorist activities before any crimes are committed. Radicalisation could be comparable to other forms of harm and abuse. It is therefore considered a safeguarding issue and thought of alongside the wider safeguarding agenda.

A Government Guide to Prevent

Prevent Tree with Warwickshire

Warwickshire Prevent Action Plan 2022 

A local action plan has been developed to implement the Prevent Strategy in Warwickshire and in particular to implement the new Prevent and Channel legislation.

The action plan is owned by the multi-agency Warwickshire Prevent Working Group which reports into the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board.

Warwickshire Prevent Action Plan 2022

Warwickshire Prevent Annual Report 2019

The Prevent Annual report shows the progress and actions delivered from the action plan during the period 2018 to 2019. To read the report, click on the link below.

WCC’s Annual Prevent Report 2019

Warwickshire Prevent Annual Report 2020

The Prevent Annual report shows the progress and actions delivered from the action plan during the period 2019 to 2020. To read the report, click on the link below.

WCC’s Annual Prevent Report 2020

Warwickshire Prevent Annual Report 2021

The Prevent Annual report shows the progress and actions delivered from the action plan during the period 2020 to 2021. To read the report, click on the link below.

WCC’s Annual Prevent Report 2021

Prevent Handbook for Elected Members

Elected Members are crucial voices in our communities and engaging them on Prevent can help unblock potential obstacles to local delivery. To help with such engagement, last year the Home Office developed an Elected Members handbook, which provides information for this audience about what Prevent is, why it’s important and how they can help in its delivery (as well as some FAQs).

This information is directly helpful for Elected Members, but it also provides very well presented information for other colleagues to help build understanding on the scope and operation of the Prevent Duty.

Download here – Prevent Handbook for Elected Members

Help and Support

If you have any worries or concerns, or would like more information on Prevent and the signs and behaviours, please contact Warwickshire Police Prevent Officers on  

If you require support from the Local Authority Prevent Officer – Geoff Thomas please phone: 01926 412432. If you are unable to make contact with the Prevent Officer please phone 01926 412338 to contact the administrator for the Community Safety Team who will be able to help you.

In an emergency, call 999.

Referral Form

How to Guide – Making a Referral

Warwickshire Channel Process

Channel is a key element of the Prevent Strategy. It is a multi-agency approach to identifying and providing support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

The following leaflet provides more information on how the Channel process works in Warwickshire. Channel meetings are currently held monthly.

Prevent Leaflet

Learning and Development

If you want to learn more about the process of radicalisation, how to spot those at risk and what to do to reduce it, complete our free e-learning course which will take only 30 minutes. You will need to log in as a guest to complete the course.


Launched in 2022, ProtectUK is a new central hub for counter terrorism and security advice. Whether you’re a business owner, work in security, or are a member of the public, register with ProtectUK to become part of the community and receive the latest news and online courses that will enable you to be better protected.

ProtectUK Website


A refreshed programme of Prevent training events have been developed for 2020/21, including an updated course that provides the latest information on Prevent as well as recently launched e-learning products.

The three main local Face to Face training courses are:

Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent – This Home Office approved course takes around 1hr 30 minutes and provides an introduction to Prevent, discussing the issues of vulnerability to radicalisation, the risk and how to access support.

Prevent Update Training (Revised)
The Prevent Duty was established in 2015 and since that time many people have attended the Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent. However the changing nature of the threat and risk associated with Violent extremism means that we need to refresh our understanding of how vulnerable individuals can be radicalised and how we can work together to challenge this. A new training course has been prepared for this purpose, and covers:-

  • A brief overview of the Prevent Duty
  • The current priorities and risks in Warwickshire
  • The signs and symbols associated with extremism
  • The impact of online grooming
  • The support that’s available and how to access it

The training takes 1hr 30mins and is a practical guide to the Prevent Duty highly suitable for those staff that have attended WRAP previously and need a refresh as well as those who are new to Prevent.

Prevent Online Grooming
This course option provides a guide to how social media and gaming can be used to groom vulnerable individuals, not just through radicalisation, but other forms of potential harm, potential harm. content includes, the impact of different social media apps, the Dark Web, gaming as well as guides to help keep safe online.


All training dates can be found via the link as follows: Training Dates 2022/2023


There two new Prevent e-learning products now available: a dedicated referral awareness eLearning package, and a package that explains in depth the Channel process to support the online awareness tool.

Prevent Referrals
The training is for anyone who has been through the Prevent awareness eLearning or a Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP), and so already has an understanding of Prevent and of their role in safeguarding vulnerable people.

It is aimed at anyone who may be in a position to notice signs of vulnerability to radicalisation and aims to give them confidence in referring on for help if appropriate. It is also designed for those (for example line managers) who may receive these referrals and have to consider how to respond, whether that be establishing more context, or reaching out to partner agencies for support. A link to the training is below.

Channel Awareness
This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional  asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting. It covers both an introduction to what Channel is, how it operates in the user’s region, and how to organise a Channel Panel for the first time. In response to feedback, it also covers information sharing, including how, when and with whom to share information of a Channel case. A link to the Channel Panel training is below.

Prevent awareness eLearning
The Prevent awareness eLearning has also been recently been refreshed. This includes updates to reflect the recommendations from the Parsons Green review, updated information following the change in threat and attacks of 2017, and new case studies. A link to the training is below.

How to book onto a course: 

If you are an external delegate please contact Geoff Thomas at

Once the administrator has booked you onto the course, you will receive a booking confirmation notification from Your HR. This notification will be sent to the email address that you give in the form so please ensure that the email you give is valid and monitored. Please check your Spam if you don’t receive the notification.

Training for Parents

Online Grooming Keeping Your Family Safe is targeted at Parents and front line workers to support everyone to keep children safe online. The first half of the session discusses how young people are targeted by online by groomers and befriended. The second part is delivered by the Community Safety team’s Cyber Crime Advisors, who make parents aware of some of the websites young people may be accessing, the dangers around these and how to add security settings to technology in the home, to keep children safe.

Sessions are open for groups of parents to book directly or for schools and community groups to arrange a group session with parents at a date and time that is suitable.

Some feedback from parents and front line workers:

Feedback To Promote Sessions

For more information on Cyber Safety please click on the following link:

Testimonials for Prevent Training

Geoff delivered training to college staff responsible for safeguarding and prevent and the college estate. The training was extremely useful, particularly in identifying the local picture and active groups. We are using this training to inform our staff of images, phrases and groups to be aware of to ensure we are fully supporting our students and identifying those at risk. 

Staff found the information very interesting and relevant which will support early identification of vulnerable children at risk of being  being radicalised and challenged the stereotype who could be targeted.  The changing recruitment approaches of both radicalisation and violent extremism was helpful    I thought you delivered it in a way which was really engaging, please fwd on the slides to me so I can distribute to the service Tony Begley, Operational Manager, Warwickshire Youth Justice Service

The Prevent training our agency received from Geoff was extremely well presented, thorough, informative and really made us think . Every single one of us left the training feeling like we had learnt something new.
Julie Mitchelson Warwickshire Counselling Centre T/A Sycamore Counselling Service.

I felt the training was pitched at exactly the right level for front-line staff who regularly engage with members of the public.  The content was thought provoking and raised the awareness of our team members, highly recommended to other public facing teams.
Keith Mc Dermott, Station Commander, Prevention Department, Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service


Cyber Prevent Interactive Guide

The pandemic has meant that children are spending more time than ever before learning and socialising online. Parents are juggling modern technology alongside working and navigating the risks children face.

This interactive guide focuses on the risks that online hate, extremism, bullying and exploitation pose and how parents and carers can minimise those risks to keep young people safe online.

Cyber/Prevent Interactive Guide

Prevent Newsletters

The Prevent newsletter is shared quarterly via Keep Me Posted. To receive this directly to your inbox click on this link.  Once logged on click on Safe in Warwickshire under the Crime tab. (Link to be Updated)

Read Prevent updates via Warwickshire’s Prevent Newsletters.

Prevent Newsletter July 16

Prevent Newsletter October 16

Prevent Newsletter March 17

Prevent Newsletter July 17

Prevent Newsletter October 17

Prevent Newsletter March 2018

Prevent Newsletter May 2019

Prevent Newsletter July 2020

Prevent Newsletter March 2021

Prevent Newsletter July 2021

Prevent Newsletter February 2022

Prevent Newsletter July 2022

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