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WCC: Health Equity Group

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) are forming a Warwickshire-wide Health Equity Group, featuring a panel of citizens who will be advisors & champions from a community perspective. Become a member to have your say, and work with the Council to improve health equity.

From Warwickshire County Council:

Join our new Health Equity Group (HEG)

Would you like to volunteer some of your time to work with Warwickshire County Council to help improve public health outcomes across Warwickshire? Are you committed to the principle of all people being able to enjoy longer, healthier lives? Are you willing to share your constructive ideas and thoughts about how we can achieve this?

If your answer is yes to these questions, then you may be interested in stepping forward to apply to become a member of our future Health Equity Group – a new Warwickshire-wide panel of citizens who will be advisors and champions coming from a community perspective – who will be working with the Council to improve health equity.

Why are we doing this?
Because of the many different determinants of good health – we know that there are disparities in levels of public health across the county – with some people having reduced chances of good health compared to others. Covid-19 alone has disproportionately affected people, with people in minority ethnic communities and vulnerable people facing increased levels of risk. The Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2026 has a key priority to ‘reduce inequalities in health outcomes and the wider determinants of health’.

What will HEG members do?
The purpose of the members will be to act as a panel to provide community-led advice, ideas and feedback to Warwickshire County Council including Public Health and Health Service colleagues and providers – with the aim of improving public health, preventing mental and physical ill-health with a key focus on reducing inequalities. The HEG will consist of up to 25 members who will meet monthly with Council and Health Service colleagues and practitioners, identifying solutions and potential initiatives and developing a programme for championing health equity in communities.

What qualifications do I need for this?
No specific qualifications are needed. We are looking for people from a wide range of backgrounds who live or work in Warwickshire, are passionate about helping others and who have experiences and knowledge to draw upon. Medical qualifications are not required.

Will I get any training?
There will be an induction programme which will go into detail to explain the role of a HEG member, and a Warwickshire County Council liaison officer will be assigned to you. This will be followed by a programme of training (evening sessions) which will include:

  • An overview of Public Health in Warwickshire
  • Issues of health inequality and Warwickshire plans to address inequality
  • Covid-19
  • The Warwickshire health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Presentations from a range of organisations
  • Best practice examples
  • Community development.

When does it start?
The induction and training programme starts on the 24th February with an introductory meeting followed by 5 meetings starting on the 1st March and nishing on 29th March 2022. Candidates can then progress to become Health Equity panel members and will be invited to their first meeting in early April.

How can I fnd out more?
If you are interested and want to nd out more about becoming a HEG member – please contact Michelle Gravatt who will be pleased to discuss the HEG with you and send you further information, including course dates and an application form.

Attached files

For further information please contact us