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Community Powered Warwickshire Big Conversation 2022

Following the highly successful first Big Conversation in November 2021, we’re pleased to announce a second event that will take place on Thursday, 22nd September 2022.

From Warwickshire County Council:

The Big Conversation 2022 will provide further opportunity to explore how, collaboratively, we can create the conditions for thriving and sustainable community action.  The event will bring together partners of all sizes from across the sectors to discuss how community action and community powered approaches fit with the major challenges and opportunities of the current time including climate change, cost of living increases, and how we tackle inequality and level-up our communities.

As the Big Conversation was in 2021, the 2022 event is aimed at anyone with an interest in thriving and sustainable communities: public sector organisations, VCSE sector groups, town and parish councils, businesses, umbrella organisations, neighbourhood groups and networks, faith groups, etc.  Pretty much everyone, in other words!

We’re pleased to again be supported in organising and running the event by our colleagues from New Local and we’ll be announcing the event programme and registration details in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please save the date!
Thursday, 22nd September, 1.00pm to 3.00pm. 

Community Powered Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council

For further information please contact us