
Q: What if I have not received a reply to my expression of interest for a volunteer role?

Warwickshire CAVA is the gateway to thousands of volunteer roles available across the County and whilst we host this site we do not personally respond to any expressions of interest that you may make towards an opportunity advertised on the site. The organisation advertising the opportunity is responsible for replying to you and whilst we cannot guarantee that in every case this will happen, we are more than happy to contact the organisation on your behalf if you would like us to.

Q: What if I can’t commit to volunteer on a regular basis?

There are some one-off opportunities available such as helping out at local events. Depending on the type of work, some organisations are willing to accept volunteers on a more flexible basis.

Q: How many hours per week would I have to volunteer?

This varies depending on the type of work you wish to do, but generally you will need to commit to giving at least a few hours per week. There may also be a minimum time commitment e.g. 6 months.

Q: Will I get training or a qualification?

This depends on the type of volunteering you’d like to do. You can expect to receive training to enable you to do the work. Some organisations do offer formal training such as basic food hygiene certificates.

Q: Do I need any special skills or qualifications to volunteer?

Some very skilled work may need qualifications, but many organisations offer training to enable you to do the work. There are also lots of opportunities available that do not require any formal qualifications.

Q: Will I get paid for my volunteer work?

The whole ethos behind volunteering is that it is done on a voluntary basis, however, many organisations do pay expenses e.g. for travel costs, meals whilst volunteering.

Q: Can I volunteer if I claim benefits?

In most cases, there’s no limit, as long as:
  • The only money you get from volunteering is to cover expenses, such as travel costs.
  • You continue to meet the conditions of the benefit you get.
For more information see:

Q: Will volunteering help me get a job?

Volunteering can help by giving you:
  • New skills and work experiences
  • A way into an organisation – thus giving you the potential to be considered for arising vacancies
  • Referees for job applications
  • A chance to show prospective employers that you’re willing to work
  • Access to training and qualifications (in some circumstances)
  • An opportunity to try out different types of work if you’re considering a career change.

Q: What could volunteering do for me?

If you’re unemployed, or have been out of the workplace for some time, it can be easy to lose confidence in your own abilities. You may find it difficult to stay positive and it can feel as though you lack a purpose in life. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to enter a work environment on a less formal basis, in a role where you will be fully supported and the commitment is more flexible.

Q: What will you be expected to give to CAVA as a member?

– Some of your time – attending the general meeting at least once a year; – Your knowledge, experience and support in helping us achieve its aims; and – Your commitment and ideas to help make a difference

Q: How will voting take place?

All organisational and individual members are entitled to one vote at general meetings of the Company. Organisations will be expected to nominate a representative to attend such meetings and to vote on their behalf.

Q: Is my organisation already registered?

To see if you organisation has already been registered as a member of CAVA, please click here.

Q: Can public or private organisations also become members?

No, they cannot be members – membership is only open to voluntary and community sector organisations and groups as well as individuals active within the sector.

Q: Can anyone become a Member?

CAVA is keen to have as wide a representation as possible on its membership list, subject to certain qualifying conditions, which are explained below. Membership is open to any organisation and to a limited number of individuals. All applicants, both organisations and individual members will have to be checked to see if they are eligible, and then be approved by the CAVA Board. Membership is not open to organisations that are politically driven or affiliated. The Board may decide to include INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS that we would define as a ‘Community Activist’ who:
  • Is at least 18 years old
  • Live or are active in the Company’s area of benefit
  • Sign to become a member
  • Make a declaration of their commitment to our objectives & of their intention to work towards the achievement of these objectives
  • Has an active interest or engagement within the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) but is not employed by an organisation that is eligible to be a Member (VCS) or Affiliate (Local Government/ Public Sector/Private Sector).
The number of individuals that can become members is limited to no more than one third of the total number of non-public sector organisations in membership. If there are more applications for individual membership than this allows for, the decision on who to admit for individual membership will be decided by the Board on the basis of seeking to ensure that the overall membership reflects as far as possible, all sections of the community (eg new and emerging communities, women, disabled people, rural dwellers, young people etc.).

Q: What am I liable for?

In the unlikely event that CAVA as a company has to be dissolved and cannot cover all of its liabilities – CAVA can demand a sum of up to £10 from each of its members.

Q: How much does it cost?

There is absolutely no cost of becoming a member. It is currently 100% free.

Q: What does being a Member involve?

CAVA is a registered charity but it is also a limited Company and so being a member is a bit like being a shareholder in a company anywhere. Like a shareholder, you will not run the Company on a day-to-day basis. As a member, you delegate this role to a Board of Trustees who will be responsible for running the Charity. The Board will be expected to keep you up-to-date with its decision-making. The Board of Directors has an obligation to call a General Meeting at least once a year, involving all the members. At this meeting members will be asked to decide on things like voting on resolutions put by the Board, electing the Directors to the Board, electing the auditors, and approving the accounts. If members are not happy with the running of the Company, they can ask for an extra-ordinary meeting of all members to be called, at which resolutions can be submitted and voted upon.

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